RLHS Thespians-Troupe 1058
Troupe 1058 Officers and Current Membership
Co-Presidents--Ariana Hierzer and Colby Flade
Secretary--Marcos Cadena
Alex Barham, Samantha Cokenower, Marcos Cadena, Marcos Escobar, Colby Flade, Jasmine Gibson, Selena Heinlein,
Ariana Hierzer, Natalie Lynn, Anouk Maskevich, Kathia Torres, Chloe Wilson
Secretary--Marcos Cadena
Alex Barham, Samantha Cokenower, Marcos Cadena, Marcos Escobar, Colby Flade, Jasmine Gibson, Selena Heinlein,
Ariana Hierzer, Natalie Lynn, Anouk Maskevich, Kathia Torres, Chloe Wilson
Membership in the International Thespian Society (and therefore RLHS Troupe 1058) is open to all students who qualify for induction into the troupe. Benefits of joining the ITS include:
Curious about our Constitution and Bylaws? Head to the "Downloads" page.
Are you interested? If so, head over to the "Thespian Points" page to submit an application review form! Questions? Email Mr. McGuire here.
- A Thespian induction pin.
- A personalized membership card and certificate.
- A one-year subscription to the print edition of Dramatics magazine (a $30 value) as well as the opportunity to renew that subscription at a special member rate.
- A subscription to Dramatics Digital from induction through the year following graduation.
- Leadership opportunities at the troupe, chapter, and national levels.
- Eligibility to apply for EdTA grants and scholarships.
- Eligibility to audition for admission to college theatre programs at the International Thespian Festival.
- A certificate, a membership card, and eligibility to receive Thespian honor and graduation items.
- A bumper sticker that reads: Proud parent of a theatre arts honor student.
Curious about our Constitution and Bylaws? Head to the "Downloads" page.
Are you interested? If so, head over to the "Thespian Points" page to submit an application review form! Questions? Email Mr. McGuire here.